Jay Desan
Feb 20, 2021

My Idea of Childhood Cool

My childhood idea of cool was thousand island and French dressing. Growing up in a household where rice and curry was a staple, the idea of an iceberg lettuce doused in thousand island dressing squeezed out of a plastic tube was everything exotic and foreign for me along with Levi’s jeans and Reebok shoes.

I still think about this time with a tinge of nostalgia. It took me a long time to really start understanding food. Really looking at produce, how it was grown and what it meant to eat fresh and local food. When I went to live in a far away country and found a farm on a rolling hill and started picking on produce fresh from the farmer’s land, I knew that I was tasting a different world.

Jay Desan
Jay Desan

Written by Jay Desan

Founder of BoomGrow and sustainable businesses. Thinking and writing about food and farming, a sense of home, Malaysia, our children and the future.

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